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EvolveLaw LegalTech Demo Day in NYC

Patdek will be on a panel in New York City. Click here for free tickets to the event at Cardozo Law School on Tuesday, February 3, 2015.

Here's the agenda for "EvolveLaw Legal Tech Demo Day: Is Software Replacing Attorneys".


Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law

Kathryn O. and Alan C. Greenberg Center for Student Life, Third Floor
55 Fifth Avenue (between 12th and 13th Streets)
New York, NY 10003

5:30 pm: arrival, Networking and legal tech company demos 

6:30 pm:  Panel #1: Big Data, Automation, & APIs 

  • Mary Juetten, Founder/CEO of TrakLight (moderator) 
  • Jack Newton, Co-Founder/CEO of Clio
  • Jay Guiliano, Founder/CEO of Patdek
  • Mark Oblad, Founder/CEO of Valcu 

7:15 pm: Panel #2: Legal Tech - why the slow adoption rate?

8:00 pm:  Networking 

This is all part of Cardozo Law TechTalks.