FAQ - General
Why create Patdek?
Technology left the legal space in the rear view mirror. The typical process for handling patent issues is antiquated. Patent analysis remains unnecessarily labor-intensive. Until now. You can work with shovels or use an excavator. Both dig holes. Your choice.
Today with Patdek
What is Patdek?
Patdek is a browser-based application in the cloud to organize your patent issues. Patent issues involve more than just the patent itself, so Patdek provides the different documents you need in a single interface. The platform design follows three principles:
Simplicity. To understand patent issues, the documents you need should be integrated on one platform.
Context. Visual cues provide context. Related documents are shown in a timeline because research shows people look for visual patterns to understand connections. So we show search results and visually surface other related documents in a timeline.
Workflow. Good design includes solving a problem. The workflow of how to address patent issues can be complicated. Patent search, no matter the issue, is just the beginning of the workflow. The complete workflow also includes identifying issues, strategizing a resolution, and then communicating that strategy. Patdek streamlines this workflow. You can focus on strategy, without the distraction of managing files.
How is Patdek different from other patent research tools?
There’s no shortage of patent research tools. Some, like Google Patents, are easy to use and understand. But what about after you find the patent document? That's the problem we've addressed -- post-search activities. That's why the marriage of content and tools is so important.
Beyond Google Patents, other services have fancy visuals and tout “deep” data fields. The "deep" research tends to be high on pomp and circumstance, light on substance. Because most of the time you don’t need to know how many patents were issued to Acme Corp. between 2010 and 2012 in Technology Center 2100. Or how many times a particular judge granted summary judgment (your case has different facts, a different patent, and you have different lawyers).
"Deep" data really doesn't move the needle much for the patent you need to address right now. Patdek gives you the features you need while hiding the complexity. Users can search PTAB Trials, Patents, File Histories, PTAB Appeals and more. Every document is OCRed too. Whether it's your uploaded documents or ones in the Patdek archive.
Patdek also provides a simple suite of tools to manage, mark-up and share your research. No need to print out unwieldy documents, scribble notes in margins, or email giant PDFs. The documents under discussion are front and center on your screen.
Who should use Patdek?
People who want to understand patent issues better. Search is lightning-fast to not interfere with your thought process. Storage options retain ideas you have about patent documents and issues. And, tools for sharing information let you express insights directly in the document for more effective discussions.
Patdek helps with patent issues ranging from a threat letter to potential infringement questions, and learning why the Patent Office granted the patent. The tools enhance discussions about patents.