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Post-launch focus

As we ready the launch of Patdek, we understand that's basically step 0. We're going to have a lot of work to do. So that's why I've been refocusing on how to listen to ideas, and then discern what's important. So I'm rewatching this video and others. Even if you already launched a new project, website, application or a new company, watching this video might return you back to a set of first principles to focus on. It's a short video and worth a watch.

The list from the video (Lecture 14 - How to Operate with Keith Rabois) is below, but it's just a list, and nothing more than that without an explanation. A fair amount of time is devoted to how a group can accomplish things to move forward what you're working on. These ideas can help you focus on what you're doing today, whether you're in a startup or not. And since lawyers are the main part of Patdek's core audience, we wanted to expose some of these ideas to as part of a new way of thinking about old patterns. Here's the list, but don't skip the video.

  1. simplify
  2. clarify
  3. allocate resources
  4. ensure consistent voice
  5. delegate
  6. edit the team