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Patdek at TechCrunch Disrupt NY 2014


Following up our win at TechCrunch Meetup DC, we attended TechCrunch Disrupt NY as part of Startup Alley in early May. We met a number of interesting people and companies. One particular question we were asked "How are you different from other patent search services?" Patdek is different for at least 2 reasons. First, we organize information to be useful how you work each day. We provide you with actionable information. Second, our guiding premise is "less-is-more" when it comes to patent information. No fancy charts or graphs. Word clouds are interesting, but create a fog around your focus. For Patdek, information needs to be presented in context. Particularly when it comes to patents.

That's why Patdek, unlike other services, presents information in a timeline. The timeline includes pre-grant information, patent grant information and post-grant information.  All wrapped together. You can find other adjacent patents, sure, but only if you want to. We show you the surrounding context of what you searched for.

You can understand a patent by visualizing how the issued patent document is just one event among many. For inventions described by patent claims, you need the whole story at your fingertips.

More to come later.

For now, here is a glimpse of the system as part of a slideshow-based presentation at Disrupt NY.