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What's Patdek up to?

We're progressing through our first data set, PTAB Trials, including PTAB decisions. As you probably know, there's over 2,000 PTAB proceedings filed since September 2012. Far more than the two hundred or so per year that was expected when PTAB Trials began. At this point, we'll provide a general trend report about PTAB Trials.

For the 2,000 plus proceedings, there's been more than 3.1M pages filed by the parties and the Board. A bit less than 40% of the 3.1M pages are not text-searchable. This was more than we expected.

The number of exhibits per proceeding, based on average proceeding pendency time, continues to increase. We expected the number of exhibits to decrease as parties became more familiar with the guidelines. The opposite seems to be unfolding. 

We're also seeing an increase in the number of IPRs and CBMS per patent. We'll report a specific number as part of a rolling statistics package. At this point, the data suggests that the number of challenges per claim leads to more pages of arguments. The page caps per proceeding necessarily require additional proceedings to be filed to accommodate the additional challenges. Not startling, but this adds to the cost of challenging a patent in the post-AIA era. Recall that requests for ex parte reexamination and inter partes reexamination were not page-limited.

At this point, the Patdek platform has ingested all data for PTAB Trials, PTAB Appeals, OPLA petition decisions, all patents, and all patent applications. We also have text data and related meta data for PAIR file histories. Now we're wiring up the data to the interface and testing out the tools to work with all of this data.

Here's a video showing search and document download for PTAB Trials. There are no intervening edits in this video. This is a real-time recording of the platform. Check back soon for more updates. Be sure to register if you'd like to reserve your spot for the beta launch.