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Off Topic - for international travel, rent a MiFi

When I traveled internationally for a wedding last year, we traveled through Switzerland and Germany, ending up in Greece for a wedding of one of my good friends.  To avoid high data rates for our smartphones we opted to try out Xcom Global's Mifi.  At the time of rental we were shipped 3 MiFi's, each set for a different country.  The devices worked fine wherever we traveled and they ended up costing less than the cost of 100MB plans for each of our two smartphones.  Now Xcom offers a universal MiFi that appears to work in multiple countries.  I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds even more promising. Why am I telling you this?  Although I don't do this often, I'm entering a contest promotion - this one sponsored by Xcom Global.  I rarely comment publicly on products and services that I own and use on a daily basis (although I highly recommend Sonos for music and Kaleidescape for DVD and Blu Ray movie management), but I do feel comfortable recommending Xcom Global.  The promotion doesn't require any of this writeup, but if I'm going to fulfill the contest condition by publishing their contest, I thought I would explain the product at least a little.

Send me a note if you want any further info on our experience with Xcom Global.  By the way, the bride and groom also rented a MiFi for Greece, and they had no problems with the service either.

Below is the obligatory Xcom Global language required for entry into the contest:

Where would you travel with $5,000? Enter XCom Global's End of Summer Giveaway! Rent and Avoid High Roaming Fees in 175 countries for a Low Flat Rate